Financial Freedom Is Not About Money Only
And many of us quickly learned that the pursuit of happiness is an elusive dream. We don’t know what the future holds, but we do know that in addition to financial security, our most enduring wealth is still to be found in our emotional and spiritual health.
Monetary wealth, corporate upward mobility, and the acquisition of things does not bring happiness, meaning or fulfillment. And this does not mean that they don't matter. Of course they do. More specifically financial security which is one component to a stable, fulfilling life.
Having said that, a major determinant of our emotional well being is our relationship with money. The key is to view it as a tool to help us get our needs met in balance rather than using it as a substitute for them. Like Oprah, 'I’ve learned that, wealth is a tool that gives you choices – but it can’t compensate for a life not fully lived, and it certainly can’t create a sense of peace within you.'
If you keep score in life purely by how much you have in your bank account, then you don’t have the right mindset. You will never be happy and you will always want more. This is why people who you'd probably consider to be the wealthiest in society — actors, professional athletes, pop stars, etc. — struggle with depression and unhappiness, despite their financial status. They don't fully enjoy material wealth.
And that's the message I've been trying to share on this blog. If you are going to live your best, you will need to be emotionally wealthy. And that means you are able to have a deep sense of personal purpose and well-being, without relying on financial means to bring you that joy.
Wealth is much deeper than finances, which is why regardless of your finances, you can CHOOSE to be wealthy now and enjoy its benefits!We need to reframe our relationship with money and materialism, in a way that reverses the trend to make money a supportive tool for our individual and social well being rather than our essence. Money needs to to help you live an emotionally health, clear and creative thinking balanced life.
For one to live a full life, you have to be continually seeking to be better, to self improve through routines, to be authentic, and to stay hungry and foolish to be your best.
If we are to evolve, we can only do it by developing the wider aspects of our humanity that will help us to survive and thrive and reveal the true purpose of our individual and mass humanity. That is become less “attached” to the material things, so that you can be more connected to yourself, aligned with your purpose and your truth.
The only thing better than being outwardly successful is being successful and emotionally healthy and fulfilled. Real fulfilment and success, lies not in the success in money only, but in your ability to systematically and simultaneously build your wealth across all the different areas of your life, so that you experience a sense of balanced progress.